Thieves Essential Oil Cleaning Scrub DIY - Non-Toxic Home Cleaning

This Thieves Essential Oil Cleaning Scrub will get all those icky, sticky, marked up spots in your house sparkle!

I really didn't think I'd ever say that I'm obsessed with a cleaning product; but OH am I obsessed with Thieves cleaner from Young Living!

...WOW - this must be what getting old really is like, right?! I get way excited about a cleaning product that works and is actually good for us.

I wanted to show you an easy DIY cleaning scrub using essential oils. 

I used it to clean our girls craft table that was covered in play-doh, marker, crayons and only God knows what else. Yuck!

Young Living Thieves Cleaning, How to Make Thieves Scrub

Keeping the house clean is one way I keep anxiety at bay and bring a little more wonder and joy into my life. I don't mean the toys are always put away; but I know that I can feel good that all the surfaces in my home are disinfected and that we're all healthy. I can feel even better that I'm using a product that is non-toxic, as powerful as Clorox, smells AMAZING (seriously, it smells like Christmas) and it continues to work to actually help keep us healthy and boost immunity. 

Thieves cleaner is a blend of hard working essential oils. It includes Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary.

Cleaning with Thieves Essential Oil, Thieves Scrub

What you'll need: 

  • Thieves Cleaner - 1/2 cap
  • Lemon Essential Oil - 2 drops
  • Baking Soda - 1 TBSP
  • Sponge or Scrub Cloth - I love to use the Norwex Kitchen Scrub Cloth for heavy jobs. 

I'll leave the links for where to get all the products at the bottom of this DIY!

I promise the mess on the table was worse than the photo shows - there were marks everywhere!

How to Clean Marker and Crayon off Craft Table


Get a small bowl. I used a small ceramic ramekin. 

First, scoop a tablespoon of baking soda and pour it in the bowl.

Cleaning with Baking Soda, How to make Thieves Cleaning Scrub


Add a couple drops of lemon essential oil. I added 2. If you have an extra sticky mess like sticker residue, it wouldn't hurt to add 3 drops. Lemon essential oil is like a natural Goo Gone!

Lemon Essential Oil Cleaning, How to clean with Lemon Essential Oil, Natural Version of Goo Gone

Next, add a half capful of Thieves cleaner! This is where the magic happens. 

Thieves Cleaner, Natural Cleaning, Cleaning with Essential Oils, Non Toxic Cleaning

 Mix it all together! It should create a thick paste consistency. If you want it more diluted, you can add a bit of water.

Thieves Essential Oil Cleaning Scrub; How to Make Natural Cleaning Scrub, Cleaning Paste

I prefer to get my scrubbing cloth wet and then scoop up the paste with the cloth to start scrubbing!

Thieves Scrubbing Paste, Cleaning with Essential Oils


Scrub away until completely clean and then wipe with plain water and dry. 

Enjoy! I'd love to know if you try this out - let me know how it worked for you!

Clean Craft Table for Kids


Where you can get the products!

Young Living Essential Oils

There are two ways to buy:

I knew I was going to be using essential oils in so many areas of my life and wanted to get the wholesale cost; so I bought the starter kit - which was a crazy deal for all I got! Buy the Kit and get wholesale cost - this does NOT require you to any monthly shipments (unless you want to) and you certainly don't have to sell it.

No commitments, just a healthy future for you and your cute fam!


  •  This kit is such an amazing deal! It's $165 and it would be over $300 if you bought it all separately!
  • You'll get 11 oils, Thieves Cleaner Sample, Ningxia Red Supplement, a roller top for any bottle, and a beautiful diffuser!
  • The oils last so long too! I'm still using some of my oils from my starter kit. 

 Young Living Starter Kit, Essential Oil Starter, Diffuser, Young Living Essential Oils

If you'd like to buy at retail cost and aren't quite ready for the full kit, you can also do so! 


Norwex Cleaning Cloth

Norwex can be used with just water, but I love the added benefits that essential oils offer beyond the initial act of cleaning. I buy through an old friend of mine, Claire.

You can buy the Norwex Kitchen Scrubbing Cloth HERE.

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